5 Unique Features of The Best Pressure Washer Surface Cleaners

5 Unique Features of The Best Pressure Washer Surface Cleaners

Pressure washer surface cleaners can be a huge asset when it comes to keeping your home and property clean. Not all cleaners are created equal, however, and it is important to know what features to look for in order to get the most out of your purchase. 

Concrete Cleaner Pressure Washer Attachment
Concrete Cleaner Pressure Washer Attachment

Here are 5 must-have features of the best pressure washer surface cleaners:

  1. Variable speed settings – The best surface cleaners will have variable speed settings that allow you to adjust the pressure and flow rate to suit the specific cleaning task at hand. This is especially important when cleaning delicate surfaces like windows or painted surfaces.
  2. A soap dispenser – A soap dispenser is a must-have feature for any pressure washer surface cleaner. This allows you to add soap or other cleaning solutions directly to the water stream, making cleaning faster and easier.
  3. A brush attachment – A brush attachment is great for scrubbing stubborn dirt and grime from surfaces. Look for a brush attachment that is durable and easy to attach and remove from the pressure washer wand.
  4. A quick-connect hose – A quick-connect hose makes it easy to connect and disconnect the surface cleaner from the pressure washer hose. This is a great feature if you need to move the cleaner around while you are cleaning.
  5. A storage bag – A storage bag is a great way to keep your surface cleaner and all of its accessories together in one place. This helps to prolong the life of the cleaner and keeps everything organized.

The best pressure washer surface cleaners will have all of these features and more. When shopping for a surface cleaner, be sure to read the reviews to see what others are saying about the cleaners you are considering.